Post by WolfGangI installed a new modem (dialup), put it on COM4. But COM4 will not display
in Device Manager. It shows COM1 and COM2, but no COM4.
Can anyone explain why this would happen and what to do about it?
Thank you. Wolfgang
COM1 and COM2 are the motherboard serial ports that appear on the back
of the computer. These are setup in the system BIOS. All modems
installed by Windows Plug n Pray, have a virtual COM port assigned to
them, which are not hardware ports, and as such, do not show up in
Device Manager under Ports. Some PCI modems will use COM5 as the
installed port, but use an "Alias" on COM4 so that you can access the
modem with the usual Terminal programs, which can only use COM1-COM4.
You don't need to do anything about it, since that is normal. Do the
modem diagnostics in Control Panel/Modems, to see if the modem is
functioning OK. Are you having some difficulty? Good luck.
Art Jackson W4TOY Owensboro, KY USA
Life is God's open book test. In order to pass,
you must open His book to find the answers.